Supervision provides a safe and confidential environment for staff to reflect on and discuss their work, manage the emotional demands and responses to working with clients and service users and to explore their own personal and emotional reactions to their work.
Supervision provides an opportunity for staff to:
- Analyse and reflect on work practice with clients/service users.
- Explore personal and emotional reactions to clients/patients with challenging needs.
- Change or modify practice, identify training and continuing development needs.
- Reflect on the quality of decision making and managing a complex workload.
- Review professional standards, organisational culture and identity.
- Ensure work practice is within professional codes of conduct and boundaries.
- Reflect on organisational culture and identity.
Individual, Group Supervision and Staff Support Groups
We offer individual, group supervision and facilitated staff support groups helping teams discuss and resolve issues constructively, identifying client and inter-professional issues, boundaries and the complexities of multi-disciplinary working. This can significantly help staff to manage the personal and professional demands created by the nature of their work.
Supervision is normally once a month for one and a half hours.
We can offer supervision and group supervision face to face, by telephone, video conferencing or by Skype. We are happy to work nationally and internationally with timings to suit you and offer payment by Paypal