Leadership Development and Consultancy
We provide bespoke leadership development programmes specifically tailored to the needs of your organisation.
- Leadership development modular programmes
- Women in Leadership modular programmes
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Leaders modular programmes
- Access to Management modular programmes
- 360° reports, MBTI feedback and workshops
- Leadership and change seminars
- Executive Coaching and mentoring
- Team building
Stephanie has designed and delivered specific leadership development, coaching and mentoring schemes for managers, including BME and women managers designed to develop their professional skills, interview and presentation skills, managing people and managing change. Large scale programmes for managing change including working with leaders to analyse their management style, how they motivate staff, taking responsibility for difficult decisions, multi- disciplinary and cross-cultural working and service delivery.
We specialise in change management and trouble-shooting consultancies.
Change management – we work with leaders and teams to enable change, helping organisations develop a strong strategy, a future vision and the steps necessary to reach this vision, identify possible resistance to change from staff and stakeholders and work carefully with this resistance. Working on managing change may include:
- Helping leaders identify the strengths and limitations of their own style of managing and leading,
- Recognising how leaders manage and motivate others,
- Reviewing the ability to work across professional and organisational boundaries when introducing change
- Developing collaborative and trusting relationships between colleagues
- Evaluating respect and fairness for all staff and service users
- Valuing diversity and cross cultural management and analyse how these qualities are integrated into organisational work practices.
Trouble shooting consultancies
We have helped organisations and companies resolve many difficult issues reflecting on corporate strategy, the interface between personal and professional values during critical work periods, dealing with complex inter-departmental, cross-professional relations and resistance to change in staff groups. These have included:
- Workplace mediation and conflict resolution, working with employers to explore and resolve conflict between staff members
- Listening and working with troubled teams reduced after restructuring and redundancies
- Helping rebuild teams after the murder of a staff member, death of a manager, racism in the staff team, multi-disciplinary disagreement, cross-cultural and global management, losing a major contract, mergers and new statutory ways of working.